Mountain Runner Portrait Project #8: Chris Dunn
2012 Loon Mountain Race & US Women's National Mountain Running Championship
I became aware of Chris Dunn early in 2011 at the second race I ever photographed... The mighty Sandwich Sidehiller Snowshoe Race in Sandwich, NH. I kept seeing all of these hats, gloves, shirts... you name it... with the Acidotic logo. The field was thick with the stuff and their slogan "Race Acidotic". I remember asking my friend and Race Director Paul Kirsch, "What's up with all this Acidotic stuff?" He pointed to Chris and said "That's Chris Dunn and he runs this team called Acidotic". It was an impressive display and a strong image.
Chris is an endurance athlete and owner of
Acidotic Racing or aR for short. aR is an event management company and a multi-sport endurance racing team. "Normal" people who, as aR's website says, "dare mighty things" like long distance running, biking, snowshoeing, fell racing and other lung pounding pursuits. The gear projects a tough image and I wanted that for Chris' portrait as well, but don't be fooled. Like everyone I've met in the mountain running community, these are great people. aR not only runs great events, but uses them to help others too. At the Loon Mountain Race, you could get $5 off the same-day registration with a food donation for the NH Food Bank. The race also generated a donation to help victims of the recent Colorado wildfires, acknowledging the large contingent of runners in the race from that state.
Chris has always been quick to share my photos on facebook and offer a kind word about my images. I want to thank him for that support. It's great fun to make these images. aR's next event is Saturday in Allenstown, NH... The Bear Brook Marathon & Ultra. The race is 26.7 mile single loop trail race at Bear Brook State Park.
What is the Mountain Runner Portrait Project?
Photographing mountain and trail running races, I've met remarkable, inspiring athletes and fantastic people. I thought it might be fun to capture them standing still for a change. See all the photos from this ongoing project
here. More portraits will be posted... stay tuned!