Saturday, May 11, 2013

Where's the Circle K?

I've been to eastern North Carolina a couple of times in the last two months and I'm not sure I've found my photographic zen for the the area between Raleigh-Durham and Charlotte.  I haven't had a great deal of time on these trips to make photographs, but with the time I've had I haven't found much that captivated me.  It's been frustrating because my normal tools for research like Google images or flickr haven't given me any hints as to where to explore.  I know that there are great images hiding out there but what I've found has been either highly commercialized areas with a Circle K and every major fast food chain imaginable or wooded country roads with little elevation change punctuated by the occasional, unremarkable single story home and featureless field.  I know there's more, but I'm not finding it.  I'll take this great old filling station outside Salisbury, NC as a sign that on my next trip to North Carolina, I will find the kind of places that bring photographic enlightenment.

1 comment:

Dave Brigham said...

The journey is often as rewarding as the destination, but I feel your pain on the occasional fruitless search. Happy hunting!

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